
Tuesday, May 19, 2015

6 Things You Really Shouldn't Say to A Redhead

Don't get me wrong. I love being a redheaded woman. This post is not to complain in any way or humble brag about how amazing it is to be ginger. It is merely a PSA to all the people (but mostly dudes) out there that, believe it or not, every ginger has heard these six things said to them in their lifetime. If you are a redhead reading this and someone hasn't said one of these things to you, give it time.

Being a ginger comes with many stereotypes. Most are completely made up, (I'm talking to you South Park) and while the comments associated with them make for hilarious anecdotes at the bar, they are just plain annoying when you hear them all the time. Now, before I get really angsty, let's get to this cursed list.

1. "I have a thing for redheads." 

You may not be a natural ging, but you are the queen of gifs Emma. 

Guys, this line does not make us want to do anything with you. It does not make us feel like a special unicorn that you plucked up from the other side of the bar. It makes us incredibly creeped out because you are usually whispering it in our ear. Yes, I have had guys whisper that to me. More recently, I had a coworker (relatively older than me) come up to me and say this. He went on to say that all of his ex-wives were redheads and I'm now realizing he might want to marry me. Needless to say, whether it's a work, or at a social setting like a bar, it's just never a good line to start with. 

Fellas, we understand you're taken aback by our ginger prowess, but honestly, we are human beings. Just saying hello works like a charm. Usually, redheads are associated with the stereotype that since we have red hair, we are freaky. While that may be the case for some redheads, it's not all of us. 

Crucial note: This doesn't mean you can't compliment our hair. Just be genuine about it, not like you want to hit us over the head with your club and drag us into your lair. Personally, if a guy comes up to me at a bar, I usually only have a conversation with him if he makes me laugh. 

2. "Does the curtain match the drapes?"

Perfect expression from the always sassy Joan.

Okay. I needed to calm myself before I wrote about this one because it's so terrible and disrespectful, but people still open their mouths and say it. 

Story time! Back in the good ol' days of college and bar hopping, I lived in San Fran and the first year I was a proud 21-year-old, I thought, "Hey! St. Paddy's Day is coming up!" My friends and I decided to bar hop on this wonderful holiday, and man do I regret it. Gingers, do yourself a favor. Don't go out on St. Paddy's Day unless you are fully prepared to get hassled. 

We ended our beer-induced night at an Irish bar near campus. I was busy keeping my very drunk friend from leaping across the bar and attacking the bartender (who she previously had a crush on), by distracting him with, what I thought, was an innocent conversation. He shifts the conversation to, "are you the only redhead in your family?" to which I responded, "no, my sister has red hair." Then he asked the dreaded question. "Does the curtain match the drapes?" Now that I think back on it, I'm horrified, but in that moment I was a few drinks in and quick on my feet, so my witty response was, "It's too bad you'll never know." BOOM. I've never been more proud of my tipsy self. 

Moral of the story: Just don't ever say this to a redhead. It's not only weird, it leads the person to believe you only want one thing, and that you aren't very original, or funny. 

3. "You have no soul." 

Say it again, I dare you.

This is the most well-known phrase associated with redheads, thanks to South Park. They do one episode making fun of gingers, and it causes a tidal wave of memes with pale, awkward gingers. While I can take a joke, and most of the time just laugh along, it can get irritating. Just like the whole "blondes are stupid" joke, that also should just never be said, it gets old reeeeal fast. 

4. "Are you Irish?" 

She's Scottish, duh.

This one relates somewhat to #2's story, but it's just as ignorant. It's 2015, people. When are we going to realize that not ALL redheads are Irish? Not only am I only 25% Irish, (I'm Greek, Italian, and Irish, thanks for asking), but I have some redhead friends that, I know it's hard to believe, aren't Irish at all. One of my friends from high school is straight ging, as well as her entire family. They are basically the Weasley family, but not Irish. She is Portuguese. Gorgeous, redheaded, and Portuguese. Get your facts straight before you just stomp over to a ginger and say those clueless words.

5. "Is that your natural color?" 

Yes? Do I win a prize?

I'll admit it, I like this one normally. It's not disrespectful in any way, but it can get old. And every single redhead has heard it. Personally, I have a really different shade of red, so I get it a lot. Usually it's whenever I get my hair cut. Immediately after this phrase, they tend to say something like, "don't ever dye your hair!" While I appreciate the admiration for my hair, and I will never dye it, don't tell me what to do! I have never dyed my hair, but that's my own choice. Plenty of redheads have dyed their hair, my sister being one, and that's fine. You do you.

6. "You're going extinct." 

Satine does not approve.

We're not going extinct, but thanks for the concern. Red hair is a recessive gene, meaning both parents have to pass it on for their child to be redheaded. Yes, it's very rare, only making up around 4-5% of the population, I won't get into the science of it because it's tedious, so you can just read more about it here. The line that tends to be paired with this one is that redheads should marry other redheads, to breed more redheads. We aren't bunnies! Just people, who really don't want to date other gingers. Don't get me wrong, it's not because there aren't really attractive redheaded men out there. I mean, look at Ed Sheeran and my always favorite Rupert Grint. Classic ginger men. I wouldn't date a ginger guy because we look alike. Do you want to be asked if your boyfriend is your brother? I didn't think so. 

So, next time you are hanging out with your ginger friend, or happen to see a ravishing redhead at the end of the bar, use that glorious brain and think back to these phrases. Just go up and say hey, and if you really must comment on our hair, make it real and respectful. That's all we're asking for. R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Find out what it means to me. Great, now that song's stuck in my head. 

Monday, May 4, 2015

Whoop, There It Is: The Coolest 90's Shows

We all have a soft spot for the 90's, and since I am currently feeling under the weather (demon sickness gods, I curse you) I decided to do a totally 90's list of my favorite TV shows. Let's begin!


Though it was a late 90's show, Roswell was out of this world. Heh, heh. Set in the eerie Roswell, New Mexico, the show follows the dramatic, and beautifully angsty, lives of three teenage aliens. Max, the main protagonist, isn't my personal favorite. It's all about Michael and Maria on Roswell, in my humble opinion. They are the most relatable couple. Not everything is the perfect teenage romance for them. They have ups, downs, alien invasions. You know, the usual. One day I will find the Michael to my Maria. "Here with me" by Dido will never be the same. 

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

The mecca of 90's TV shows, Buffy the Vampire Slayer wins them all. I started bingeing this show in my college years and found myself yearning for The Bronze to be a real nightclub. Wouldn't that be amazing? The best of the best 90's talent performed at The Bronze including Michelle Branch, Four Star Mary (who played the fictional Dingoes Ate My Baby),  and so many other rad bands. 

Willow, the ultimate ginger witch, is such a dynamic character. She starts out as a shy, slightly lost young girl who is just trying to find her place in the world and ends up discovering her Wicca side. Get down with your bad self. Willow and Oz have to be my favorite relationship. "A werewolf in love." If you know the show, that line will make you all warm and fuzzy. 

My So Called Life

What girl didn't want to be as aloof as Angela Chase? Yes, maybe I'm slightly biased because she was a redhead, but nonetheless. Then there's Jordan Catalano, aka a young and beautiful Jared Leto. Angela and Jordan have a tumultuous romance through the one season of this brilliant show. From Brian Krakow to Rayanne, this show is oozing with wonderful characters who bring so many different levels. 

I, like most people that love this show, believe that My So Called Life was robbed and should have had many more seasons. The way the show ends, with Brian Krakow being the ultimate nice guy and basically not really getting the girl, is kinda lame, but guys, it's Jordan Catalano. 

Boy Meets World

"Life's tough, get a helmet." This show was my entire childhood. Shawn Hunter will forever be my first crush. That hair flip, man. It really changed my life. Cory and Topanga molded the way I saw true love, with their adorable lipstick heart scene. The true fans know what scene I mean. However, my favorite character would have to be Eric. He is so silly, but fiercely devoted to his family and friends. Eric did marry a moose though, so there's that. Lucky moose. 


Although I didn't really watch this show in the 90's, it's hands down my favorite show of all time. Other shows may come and go, but Friends will always be my go-to show. When I'm feeling down, or just need a pick me up, I need to hear that quick clap. Chandler Bing is my soulmate and I can fully recite most episodes by heart. I have seen every single episode at least twice at this point. Basically, watching Friends with me is annoying. I would advise against it. I just love it too much. Could I BE any more obsessed? See, it's a problem. 

So Weird

One of the best shows Disney Channel created, So Weird was exactly that. The show centered around Fiona Phillips, who has a famous mom, aka Mackenzie Phillips. She goes on tour with her throughout the show, while experiencing some weird stuff with her friends. The show began with the actress, Cara DeLizia, who was eventually replaced by Alexz Johnson. This was probably the first and only replacement that ended up keeping the show weird, and even better at times. 

Welp, those are my all time favorite 90's shows. They're all that and a bag of chips! Okay, I'll stop now.

I leave you with this cheery image of Giles, the baddest Watcher there ever was.

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