Invisible Monsters
This quote though. Just reading it gives me chills because of the pure beauty of how raw it is. Invisible Monsters tells the tale of a gorgeous celebrity who is maimed in an accident, and all of the suffering and trials she goes through existentially and emotionally. This quote resonates with me because it's 100% true. You can't even touch a sense of happiness without making yourself vulnerable first. Gawd, Chuck you just get me.
Survivor might be my favorite book of Palanhiuk's. The plot of the novel centers around the protagonist, who is the the survivor of an extremely disturbing cult as a child. It fucks him up so much that he takes a job as a suicide hotline operator - for fun. This quote takes a deep look into the psyche of suicide and depression, while also enforcing a sense of purpose into our lives.
Diary revolves around the life of a troubled painter, whose drawings act as a sort of fortune telling into society. While this book isn't one of my favorites from him, this quote certainly is. A few years back, I experienced an emotional break up with my first ever boyfriend, and this exact quote is how I believe I feel about it now. When it first happened, all I could remember was the sweetness, and now pain clouds my judgement. When things are good, we are never paying attention.
I'm pretty sure this just describes how I act in relationships. A mutual addiction - nailed it. I have been thinking to myself lately, self, you are going to be a strong, independent woman who doesn't need no man. But, once you find that special someone who you want to eat up all your free Netflix time, it's hard to see straight. Once again, you have hit the nail on the extremely obsessed head, Palahniuk.
Fight Club
Fight Club is the messiah of Palahniuk's work, so I'll spare you the quick summary of that novel. Plus, what's the first rule about Fight Club? This quote speaks to the idea that we are entirely too attached to our things in society. I mean, I can't go even a few feet without searching for my phone. Tyler Durden forces us to look directly at ourselves and see what we usually ignore: our materialistic side.
And last, but certainly not least, here is a little gem quoted from the big man himself that I found to be a perfect piece of advice about relationships:
Happy Wednesday, my friends.
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