
Thursday, September 3, 2015

This is Erica (As Told By Friends & Family)

My awesome ginger friend, Morgan, gave me some inspiration for my latest blog post! She created an introduction to herself by having her friends and families write about her! I decided to do the same, and totally did not force my family and close friends to write an introduction about me. 

So, here we go. Get a little glance into the silliness that is Erica as told by my family and friends: 

Morgan, my blogger (and fellow ging) friend: This is Erica. She's a totally rad red-headed land mermaid who would marry an avocado if it were a man. She loves her furry son, Gus, and he loves her back because she's awesome. Obviously.

Lauren, my super rad friend: This is Erica... she's a dedicated dog mommy who has an unnatural obsession with Avocados and burritos, but it's ok because she posts hilarious memes about it, which I thoroughly enjoy. She can hold a great conversation and loves her some Harry Potter!

Alison, one of my best friends: This is Erica...she is the best at taking awkwardly adorable photos with her dad (and friends too!), she is on point with hilarious and sarcastic gifs, she could probably start a food blog with all the food porn pics she posts and she is going to marry Rupert Grint one day and have ginger babies...which would make me very very happy.

Kara, quite possibly the sweetest human alive: This is Erica...she is well-versed in sarcasm and often provides hilarious one-liner-zingers to my ridiculous social media posts, which I quite literally laugh-out-loud to upon reading. She is insanely supportive, so if I am having a bad self-esteem day, I should probably hit her up because she certainly knows how to cheer a girl up. Erica is a fellow romantic and is still waiting to know if my boyfriend's brothers are recently single...I'm working on it. She is a fellow-lover of folk music, avocados, and dogs. So I think that automatically makes her trustworthy and a good human.

Christina, a genuinely beautiful person:

Accepting of everyone and everything 
Ridiculously hilarious 
Inspirationally intelligent 

Above all else, one of the most genuine people that has graced earth 

What does it spell?! ERICA! Erica is one of those people that you wish you were friends with since birth. From blogger, dog lover, great daughter and sister, book worm and everyday ginger pride leader. This lady has got it all.

I realize this is a different format than "This is Erica.." but I don't care. It's adorable. 

Eilene, a fellow nerd and fierce individual: This is Miss Erica: has such shiny orange wavy hair, you would think she's a Disney princess.  She has a PHD in Harry Potter, along with a masters degree in Rupert Grint and a bachelors degree in Comic-Con Hall H Panels. What can't this woman do?  She's sweet, kind but also she's FIRE so be careful.


We can't replace that. We need her on this earth. We need Erica's (red headed) energy. 

Thank you for your presence. You're like, omg cool.

My wonderful mother: This is Erica, my baby girl that has the biggest heart I have ever seen. She is a lover of words, animals and authors. Wears her heart right out there in the open. She is beautiful and bright, full of life's light. I am so proud to be her Mom. She is my red headed lioness, strong, beautiful , smart and growing into a wonderful women!

Mom, STAHP. 

Katelyn, the best friend a girl can have: This is Erica...she is someone that you cannot forget, and someone that will not forget about you. A vibrant personality just seems to radiate from those fiery locks. Once you're friends with this living, breathing ray of sunshine, be thankful, because she'll always be there for you. Like the sun, she will always come back around to check in on you, to say hey, and it will always feel like you haven't been apart for more than a single day. Even if you've been apart for six years.

I think I got quite the response for this post. To be honest, I started crying halfway through writing this post because I feel so lucky to have these people in my life. 

From these introductions, it's very clear that I love dogs, avocados, and being ginger. Those are just the trifecta. It's so nice to know there are people who truly appreciate you for exactly who you are. Nothing more, nothing less.

This post was more sentimental, but I promise to write something way more interesting for my next post. I'm thinking it will be Frankenstein themed because I just finished the COOLEST Frankenstein graphic novel by Gris Grimly. It's gunna be good, guys. Don't miss it. 

Lastly, thank you to all my friends and family who took time out of their day to write something for this post. You all mean so much to me and I love you dearly. 

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